If someone became you, what would they change?

Author James Clear poses a thought-provoking question in his weekly blog.

“If someone took control of your life tomorrow, what’s the first thing they would change?”

(James Clear, author of Atomic Habits)

So, what do you think? Is your first intuition to consider something that your new “body resident” would stop doing, or would the change be a new improvement or update? Would you change a thought pattern or a practice or both? Do you find it difficult to nail down just one change? I do.

However, I find this a helpful exercise because it forces me to get outside myself and try to see how others view me. There are both healthy and unhealthy ways to consider this question. If you answer the inquiry in a manner that says you are simply trying to please others, it is probably not a very good consideration. But if you do the exercise as an objective way to improve, it could make a difference for you. Addressing this question is not another new way to beat yourself up!

It is also helpful to consider a change that would have a positive domino effect. One of my first inclinations is that I would exercise more often. I presently do some activity, but not enough. More exercise would provide me with numerous benefits.

·      Exercise improves my mental well-being. Training makes me feel better about myself and enhances my already positive outlook.

·      Exercise helps me lose and maintain excess weight. In the past nine months, I have lost about thirty-six pounds which pleases me greatly. But the more I work out, the easier I get rid of and fend off excess tonnage.

·      Exercise slows the aging process. As they say, old age is not for sissies! One of the downsides of getting older is the natural loss of muscle mass. My guns just don’t look as good as they once did. However, complete muscle depletion is not a foregone conclusion. Many studies reveal that a high protein diet combined with weight training can help even old-timers stay strong.

·      Exercise has numerous health benefits, like maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Wow! I’ve just about talked myself into it! One small change would mean significant positive results.

Jesus was exceptionally good at helping people get outside themselves and objectively investigate their lives for ways to improve. One day a wealthy young man asked Jesus how he could ensure himself eternal life. Jesus presented a list that the well-to-do fellow had already accomplished. About this time, this guy is probably feeling pretty good about himself. After all, it was quite an accomplishment to have kept the rules so faithfully for most of his life. However, the Teacher wanted him to think a little deeper, so he advised, “But, you know if I were you and I wanted to be the kind of guy you want to be, I would divest myself of most of my wealth. I’d give the proceeds to those in need, and then I would come and follow me.” So, there you have it. If Jesus could gain control of this fellow’s life, first and foremost, he would address his unhealthy view of wealth.

On another occasion, the Guide invited himself to dinner at a well-known tax collector’s home. Dinner was served while the two men enjoyed some conversation that ultimately turned to “important” matters. “Zach, if I were you, I’d work on getting my greed corralled. It seems to me this matter has caused you a lot of mental anguish and hurt many people. I think you would find it helpful if you let me mentor you towards the person you really want to become.” Zach took His advice, and the money-loving official’s life improved quickly.

Perhaps these stories present us with an even better question than James Clear’s provocative proposition. “If Jesus took control of your life tomorrow, what is the first thing he would change?”

Whatever your answer, the cool thing about this Life-Coach is that he already accepts and loves you just the way you are, but he is glad to come alongside you and help you with whatever changes you want to make.

Perhaps these are worthy questions for consideration.

Well, I’ve got to go workout. See ya next week!

May you discover and implement the answer to your personal evaluation well.

Live Inspired!

Don Mark

 P.S. I’d like to request three simple matters of you:

1.    I am nearing the completion of my first book on leadership. Please pray that I learn how to choose the most productive manner to have the work published and marketed. I think the lessons from Nehemiah will be worth the read, so I want as many people as possible to get the opportunity. Thanks!

2.    Would you please forward my blog to as many friends and family members as you think would benefit from my messages? I would love for as many people to benefit from weekly inspiration as possible.

 3.    Please take a few moments and check out the Live Inspired store. Many have purchased items on the site and are enjoying how they can inspire others through the messages imprinted on everything from glasses to sweatshirts. Go to www.donmarkhamilton.com and press “Shop.”   Thanks!


what would it take for you to say, “yes?”


You’re nothing but a dreamer!