Generations of Exceptional
I believe in the power of inspiration! Nearly anything we accomplish and conquer in life finds its source at the spring of inspiration.
Hello! My name is Don Mark Hamilton, and I appreciate your visit to my website. I believe in the power of inspiration! Nearly anything we accomplish and conquer in life finds its source at the spring of inspiration. And, as long as that fountain pours out life-giving power, we will always move forward.
Through the years, I learned that God gifted me to envision a better future, inspire people to pursue goals, and develop strategic road maps for the journey. That is what donmarkhamilton.com is all about.
In 2020, I retired from a thirty-eight-year pastoral ministry at a large church. Though I love local church ministry, I now enjoy writing inspirational and encouraging words for regular people like you and me and leaders of all sorts. I want to help you be the hero of your own story.
I am the father of four beautiful, adult daughters who love Jesus and four grandchildren who brighten my life. I was married to a beautiful, graceful, smart, hard-working woman named Gail for thirty-eight years. Unfortunately, my wife went to be with the Lord in October of 2018. (Unfortunately for those of us left behind, that is!) Gail fought the brave fight of a warrior against pancreatic cancer for nearly two years. She changed thousands of lives through our blog (www.lovegail.com) and her non-profit, GailsGirls.com, a ministry empowering oppressed female leaders in South Asia. (www.gailsgirls.org) Check them out!
At sixty years young, I walked 500 miles on the famed “Camino Way,” pilgrimage across Spain. I was enriched by meeting people from all over the world and walking the Roman roads traveled by millions of pilgrims down through the ages. I still love to hike and will likely walk the pilgrimage again.
I’ve traveled all over the world, mostly on mission for Jesus. Immersion in different cultures has enriched my life and broadened my perspective on cultural and racial issues. Books and reading are a part of my daily life, as is prayer and dedicated thought. I love cooking, new restaurants, good beers, fine cigars, and bourbon. Meeting new people is an exciting experience for me.
I’ve studied leadership, sociology, church growth, and pastoral ministry most of my life. I completed my Masters and Doctoral degrees in leadership studies, church growth, and pastoral studies. I also work with Stadia Church Planting as a Partner Catalyst, developing relationships that catalyze starting new churches all over the world.
One of my favorite leadership definitions is, “leadership is influence.”
I hope donmarkhamilton.com “influences” you to become your own best friend and to make a difference in someone’s life today. Be inspired! Live inspired!

Find hope, read my blog .