Live Inspired!
You can enjoy an inspired life!
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Want to live an INSPIRED life? Start here.
Hope it.
Hope is the most powerful force on earth. Any human endeavor that moves forward, does so because someone hopes for something better. But where does one muster hope? Hope is born out of inspiration and inspiration comes from many sources. What if you had a guide to inspire hope in you?
see it.
Napolean Hill once wrote, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Hope is accompanied by vision. Vision is a mental picture of a preferred future. When one has a vision, there is need for clarity, a honing and development of the goal. Once you see it, you’re on the road to owning it.
act on it.
Someone once said, “When all is said and done, a lot more gets said than done.” You’re hoping for, and seeing a preferred future. Now it’s time to act! How am I going to get there? What will it take? Who can help me? How hard am I willing to work for it?
Let’s get started!

“To me, Don Hamilton is the breathing embodiment of peace and love. Don's steady nature and deep connection to God make him an ideal mentor and his willingness to share what he knows (and who he is!) via his writing is a resource not to be passed over lightly. Slow down and take in what he's offering here. You won't regret it."
— Bert Crabbe, Lead Pastor, True North Community Church
“…after nearly 4 decades of leading a church to become a great light for Jesus, Don is now pouring himself into other leaders who need encouragement, wisdom, and a good dose of "stick-to-it." If you're like me, you'll find him sneaky smart and disarmingly easy going. That's the size and shape of inspiration I need in large measure. ”
— Brent Foulke, VP for Global Planting Stadia: New Church Strategies
“Don is one of the most courageous and creative people I’ve met, and his resume of life experiences are like a rolodex of solutions.”
— Nicholas Bertram, Missionary cleverly disguised as a retail industry CEO

Do you want to turn things around?
Here’s how to make a “u” Turn
The Success cycle
you can make it.
Inspiration is the key ingredient to success. Why? Inspiration leads to hope. Hope leads to vision. Vision leads to action. Action leads to change. Change opens doors to your future.
For many years I have been a pastor, leader, consultant, coach, writer, mentor and speaker. After working with thousands of people, I learned that there is something we all need a lot of . . . inspiration.
As I write, COVID-19 has paralyzed the world, and on top of that, we are in the clutches racial unrest and convulsive change. The world presently looks like a pretty bleak place. We thought we were seeing light at the end of the COVID tunnel, but it turned out to be a locomotive speeding towards us in the form of hatred of one another simply based upon the color of our skin. We’re looking into the mirror of our own humanity and what we see is not a pretty sight. Seems like everyone has an axe to grind. On another front, many of us will never recover from financial ruin caused by this crisis. And, for most of us, these issues, as we know them, are “first-world” perspectives. For the much larger developing world, multiply all these issues many times over and you’ll likely still fall short of reality. Whether you sweep floors or run a corporation, inspiration is in short supply.
By the world’s standards, I’m a pretty successful guy. I have a great family and lots of good friends. I am well educated and have experienced a fulfilling career as a pastor and leader. I’ve been a visionary, hard-driving person my entire life and most folks would view me as very optimistic. Yet, rarely a day passes that I couldn’t use some uplifting, inspirational news. Perhaps you’re a bit like me. If so, join me on the inspiration trail . . .