“Through a lifetime of challenges, there have been many times when I sought out sources of encouragement to sustain my hope and grow my faith. Through the years, Don has been instrumental with providing me just the encouragement I needed at times when I needed it most. That is why I am so excited for his new website! All of us can use a dose of inspiration as we journey through day-to-day issues and battle long-term events that can drain our spirit and make us feel hopeless at times. Don’s messages have both comforted and challenged me through the upbringing of my son with multiple special needs, being a single mom for thirty years, having my fiancé pass from cancer, caring for my father through cancer and his passing, and now facing my own battle with stage 4-colon cancer. His inspiring words of wisdom have provided me with much needed strength and hope and can do the same for you. His talent for writing and discerning will make this site a true transformational resource for its reader. I highly recommend committed visits to anyone needing a dose of encouragement or a whole lot of hope from an author who is the real deal!”
— Ann Wise
“Don Hamilton can be described by many people, as a good leader, a visionary, a great speaker and a number of other complimentary terms. His personality could be described as positive, gregarious and he is definitely giving. But, anyone that has met him realizes that Don has a unique personality trait. He has the ability to see people for who they are and then lead them to who they can be. He has the ability through his words, whether written or verbal to move people beyond what they think they can be. He has inspired thousands on thousands to overcome the obstacles in life that hold them back from greatness. I have known Don since I was 18 years old and I have seen him do this over and over. His wife was a beautiful singer but, he told her she could lead – so she then reluctantly began to lead the worship program at the church. (Something she said she would have never pursed on her own.) It became one of her greatest passions! His four daughters are all leaders and are making an impact on this world – I know impart because their Dad, told them they would! I have seen him do this with literally thousands of people of the years. I am hoping his gift and words make an impact on your life as well.”
— Lori Cartmill
“In the summer of 2014, on the rooftop of a small remote building in Haiti, I looked out at the stars in the dead of night with my soon to become mentor, friend, traveling buddy, leadership whisperer, master teacher, strategist, and pastor … Don Mark Hamilton. His wife Gail spoke of that specific moment many times afterward, but neither of us knew how important the bond would be as we both battled with family crises, unexpected opportunities, growth campaigns, and other kingdom building moments afterward. Don is one of the most courageous and creative people I’ve met, and his resume of life experiences are like a Rolodex of solutions. I’m proud of him for continuing to share that after retiring as one of the most successful senior pastors in the North East. But that’s just Don, he goes on anyway!”
— Nicholas Bertram, missionary cleverly disguised as a retail industry CEO
“Inspiration comes in many sizes and shapes. Sometimes the overnight success of a young leader is very moving. The real impact of some is not felt until long after they’re gone and their story is unwound through the lens of generational impact. I get the most consistent and accessible inspiration from someone like Don Hamilton who is no flash in the pan. He’s steady and strong. He doesn’t quit—and he’s had lots of justifiable experiences for throwing in the towel. But Don just keeps going. And after nearly 4 decades of leading a church to become a great light for Jesus, Don is now pouring himself into other leaders who need encouragement, wisdom, and a good dose of “stick-to-it.” If you’re like me, you’ll find him sneaky smart and disarmingly easy going. That’s the size and shape of inspiration I need in large measure.”
— Brent Foulke, VP for Global Planting Stadia: New Church Strategies
“To me, Don Hamilton is the breathing embodiment of peace and love. Don’s steady nature and deep connection to God make him an ideal mentor and his willingness to share what he knows (and who he is!) via his writing is a resource not to be passed over lightly. Slow down and take in what he’s offering here. You won’t regret it.”
— Bert Crabbe - Lead Pastor, True North Community Church
“Like many people there are times when I am in search of inspiration and motivation. I sometimes find it in unlikely places but other times I seek out wisdom and perspective from proven, reliable sources. I tend to focus on people who are overcomers, those that have dealt with adversity and displayed a level of character and integrity that are uncommon. For the past two decades Don Hamilton has been a first stop for me on many occasions. He provides experience-based perspective without giving you the answers. He has this gift of guiding you in the right direction and in the process building your confidence versus being the “answer guy.” If what you seek is character, competence and courage, Don Hamilton is someone you need to reach out to.”
— Jim Czupil, Business Executive
“As a child, Don must have been deeply influenced by the fable, “The Little Train Who Could.” His ability to see the future, encourage himself and others, and systematically act in ways to accomplish his vision is unlike anyone I’ve met. If you need help conquering the future mountain before you, Don is your guide.”
— Joseph Myers, author, The Search to Belong
“No matter the season or context of your leadership journey, a coach with a wealth of diverse experience sharing principled perspective is a true gift. A coach who has earned the right to speak yet listens. A guide who encourages you to create and innovate yet motivates you to think through the “why.” A mentor who celebrates your conceptual thinking yet is outcomes-oriented. Such a leadership partner is rare and so valuable. It is Don Hamilton.”
— John Wasem, a church planting pioneer, practitioner, and coach