What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?

Bucket list is a phrase developed by a screenwriter who made a list of things he wanted to accomplish before he “kicked the bucket.” He shortened the name of his work to simply his bucket list.

In 2007, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson starred in a popular movie called The Bucket List. The film chronicles the friendship of two dying men who decide to pursue their life wish list of adventures before they pass. As a result of the popularity of the film, thousands, perhaps millions of people created their bucket lists. I wonder how many good things happened as a result of that story.

Do you have a bucket list? I’ve had one for years and feel blessed because I have fulfilled most items on my list. However, whenever I cross the finish line of one goal, I create two more. At this rate, I’ll need to live to 142 to get it all done.

I recently learned of a twist on the traditional bucket list. A book released in 2015 poses the question – what if God wrote your bucket list? That is an intriguing question. Here are a few items I think the Almighty would place on your list if He were writing it.  If God were talking to you, here is what He might say:

·      Start loving yourself like I love you. I have four daughters, and, short of totally rejecting me, I firmly believe nothing they can ever do or think can separate them from my love. Are my daughters perfect? Not quite. Do we ever disagree? Sometimes. Have they ever made me mad? A few times. Yet none of those things and many others could stop me from loving them.

This helps me to understand how God loves me and how I can, in turn, love myself – unconditionally. Am I a screw-up? Yes, sometimes. Do I ever make myself angry? You bet. But the only way I can improve my fallacies is to love myself enough to possess the want to better myself. I’ve never found that constantly downing myself and my abilities aids my personal development. However, self-love is a powerful motivator.

·      Forgive yourself and others the way I forgive you – no matter what. Holding grudges against yourself and others is a fruitless endeavor. It is more than fruitless; it is counterproductive.

·      Talk to me often, please. I like you. I created you. We are friends. For me, to go a week without talking to my daughters would make me sad. We not only chat on the phone but there’s a family text message thread that goes on every day. I wonder how God feels when we don’t make time to chat with Him.

·      Enjoy your life. It’s my gift to you. God is not a cosmic killjoy, party-pooper, or fun sucker. He created an entire planet for our benefit.

·      Take some chances. I’ve got your back. I’ve racked my brain, and I find it difficult to name even one Bible character who did not take chances and step out on faith. And a significant portion of the time, these folks were instigated by God to do so. The only time God asks us to be still is when we spend quiet time with Him. Even during the times, He wants us to wait on something, that does not mean he wants us to sit on our butts doing nothing in meanwhile.

·      Make yourself missed when you’re not around. People who love hard are loved hard in return and missed when they are not together. Actively love people such that they like being around you and keep loving you from a distance.

·      Do something nice for an enemy. I know it’s hard, but it reveals My character inside you.

·      Enjoy the world I created for you to the max. It’s another one of My gifts for you. I have been blessed to travel worldwide, but even in places I’ve visited many times, like Ireland, I am always amazed at some new sight or experience. They are always just around the corner. Get yourself an App like Atlas Obscura, which will show you where there are new, unusual sites all over the world – even in your own backyard.

·      Don’t try to put Me in a box. I am way too big and unpredictable for that. Even our best efforts at understanding the Almighty fall way short. That’s why He’s God, and we’re not. Expect your Heavenly Father to blow your mind sometimes. Then, sit back and enjoy the show. ‘

·      Go for the gold. I love to watch you give 110%. It is rare when someone says, “Man, I wish I would not have tried so hard!”

·      Relax sometimes; I do. We were not created to work 24/7/365. God told us to take regular breaks. We don’t perform well on an empty tank.

·      By all means, have fun! Remember, I told you I wanted you to enjoy an abundant life.

I am sure you can think of more items God might want on your list, so add them at will. He has desires for you that would not be on my list. I don’t believe I’ve ever regretted doing anything on my bucket list, and I highly doubt I will regret doing anything He’s put on my list. Bucket lists are good things.

Live Inspired!

Don Mark


Alone In A Crowd


Put A Stop To Stinkin’ Thinkin’