Think upon these things part two
As I sit in my writing chair on this glorious winter morning, I am joyful. The angel proclaimed, “I bring you good news of great joy.” God had sent a Savior. I don’t know about you, but I need salvation. I’ve amassed a virtual Everest of stupid decisions in my life. Yet, God’s saving grace envelopes my home. I’ll step out on a limb and deduce that you are likely in the same boat as me. Yes, a Savior is just what we need. One who helps us deal with our foibles. One who grants mercy when punishment is in order. One who pours out grace to the undeserving.
Christmas fills our lives with symbols that express God’s kindness. Joy is the result. Think about joy.
I look across the room where the beautiful, white nativity set graces my buffet cabinet. My wife’s grandmother, “Grammy” made us this set. Grammy was a strong, faith-filled, compassionate person. One of my favorite Christmas memories was when Grammy sat us all down in the family room around the Christmas tree. She then worked her way around the room, giving a very personal, encouraging message to each family member. Wisdom from this sage of a woman warmed my heart and still dwells in that private place. God graced us with Grammy. She still brings me joy.
Three Macy’s stuffed Snoopy characters sit on the floor. I love Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang. Each year, Gail and I took our daughters to one of our favorite Christmas destinations, New York City. The crowds, the lights, the crowds, the Rockefeller Center, the crowds, the food, the crowds . . . made our season bright. I’ve people watched on south Broadway for many hours while my four women shopped! Every year, Macy’s has a stuffed animal as their season representative. My three stuffed symbols give me great joy. God gifted me with amazing daughters. Just ask Snoopy.
Numerous Poinsettias always grace my home at Christmas. My mother loved these bright Christmas flowers. Dad always gifted mom with a huge, red symbol of the season. Christmas was beautiful for my family. I am the baby of the family and, thus, the center of attention. This is my sweet spot. I won’t deny it! Poinsettias last long after the holiday season. So has the blessing of joy bestowed upon me by God through my parents and family.
Two giant inflatable snowmen grace my deck just outside the patio doors. My wife did not like inflatables. One year, I placed an eight-foot inflatable snowman in front of the garage door so that she had to get out of the car and move it to get into the garage. In my glory, I watched from the window as the annoying story unfolded for my beloved. Two snowmen always stand next to the Christmas tree on my deck. I smile every time I observe these symbols of ornery love. Such joy!
You see, symbols of God’s saving intervention in your life are all around you. Sometimes we just don’t notice these signposts that point to a God who loves us and is deeply involved in our lives. God with us. Christmas symbols can bring great joy. He is a God of joy! He is in the saving business, and He is very good at it. Let the Good News of great joy fill your being. God saved you. You are blessed. Enjoy!
Think about these things.