a day in the life

 My nephew and his wife are starting a new business in a tiny little town about six miles from Hamilton, Montana, where they formerly lived. Yep, I also came here because the metropolis is named after me! Arh, Arh. I am confident that Firehouse Archery Range and Pro-Shop will become a successful business venture. Montanans love their archery and their guns. You can carry a non-concealed weapon in this state, so it would be wise not to tick off a Montanan! There are still many shades of the wild west here, not to mention the TV show, Yellowstone, is shot about five miles from my sister’s home. We sat at the bar with a young man from Missouri yesterday who works as an extra in the show. It is not unusual to run across actors in local restaurants. Pretty cool!

My sister, brother-in-law, and friends worked long hours a few days preparing the new shop to open on Father’s Day. My sister was apologetic that I had come this far to do physical labor. I did use muscles I forgot existed, but the entire process was delightful. There was no cause for apologies.

As magnificent as this state appears, something more stunning than the mountains, flowers, and rushing streams and rivers exists. Being with people you love and working side by side on something significant is even better than nature. Were it not for my family, I would not have traveled so far to see this state again, but family and friends give the journey special joy and meaning.

I’ve met and befriended numerous new folks along my travels. One young lady served me twice at a restaurant, and I inquired about her story. She and her husband do seasonal work all over the country, and they worked in several national parks, including Denali in Alaska. They live in a camper and delight in the new experiences and friendships. The couple has lived this life for nine years! Wow, how awesome is that?

While working on the new business, a small parade of locals stopped by to inquire about the new addition and wish them well. These folks have already ordered several bows and repairs, and numerous children have signed up for archery camps. The building will soon house a “hang out” and Bible study location for kids who attend school across the street. One man who worked a few doors down chatted with my nephew for a long while. The neighbor needed work done on his bow so he retrieved it and left it with my nephew without a deposit, required paperwork or receipt. What?! That would not happen in south-central Pennsylvania. Many people operate by a different standard here. A man’s handshake is still a good contract.

A teenage neighbor introduced herself and worked long hours helping to get the business up and running, expecting nothing in return. Her brothers act as if Joseph and Kelly have known them all their lives.

One evening, a group of folks from their church gathered to check out the new project and pray over it. Their pastor blessed the venture, followed by a season of prayer. Expectations that God will use this shop for His glory are high. I have no doubts that the Master Archer is already glorifying Himself and making His presence known through this firehouse turned archery range. The owners fully intend to bless the community as they provide a place for fun and friendship. What better way is there to start a new business? God likes these kinds of ventures.

I’ve worked alongside a wonderful couple who live in the area and want their friend’s endeavor to succeed. Funny story: I met the hard-working man of this couple on my first day. He is a funny guy telling one joke after another, and he possesses much knowledge of building trades and is more than willing to share his labor. The next day he approached my nephew, asking, “Is that Don Mark, the Don Mark?!” Joe confirmed his suspicion, and he acted like I was a celebrity. Ha! He would soon learn that Don Mark is anything but a star. But I appreciated the compliment.

I only have a few days left to explore this fantastic area of the country. As I write, I am mesmerized by the rushing stream about twenty-five feet from the house. I’m peering over lilac bushes in full bloom, and the mountain rises from there. Deer roam freely, a group of mountain goats meanders along the Bitterroot River nearby, and big-horned sheep occasionally dot the mountainside. Though I’ve not yet seen them, a large herd of elk hangs out in one of the fields along the highway. Sometimes a bear or mountain lion might show up at your door, but I’d rather not meet those neighbors up close.

Today, it’s up the mountain on the ATV, hoping we don’t get stuck in the snow, which still covers every peak. There’s a large yellow butterfly resting on a purple lilac bloom just outside the window. God creates such beauty, both large and small, but He saved His best efforts on the crown of it all – humans.

Inspire your existence by enjoying the ones you love, creating new friendships, and recognizing the beauty surrounding you all the time. These ingredients might spur you to be the hero of your own story. God has been very kind to us and allows us to choose our own destinies. Being the hero of your story will always involve the blessing of friends, family, and the wonders of creation along your quest.

Live Inspired!

The not-so-famous Don Mark 








Juneteenth and other sticky subjects


a book by its cover