Success is Scary, But Enjoy It Anyway

Your child was accepted into a college and has now flown the nest. You feel empty and even a little lost. That feeling is the result of success.

You finally got the promotion you’ve worked so hard to possess, and now you are sitting in your office, scared out of your wits. That’s called success.

You finally found who you think is the right person. You enjoy one another so much it is difficult to be apart. But last night, you got into an argument for the first time. Now you don’t know what to think. There it is again, success.

You worked yourself out of debt yesterday, and today, your car broke down for the last time. You’ll be taking out another loan soon. Success is sometimes painful.

You were finally able to retire and live a reasonably comfortable existence, hopefully for the rest of your life. You are only two weeks into one of the most profound achievements of your life, only to be left sitting in your Lazy Boy twiddling your thumbs, thinking, I have no purpose anymore. Retirement is not what it was cracked up to be. That is success sneaking up on you.

You finally landed a pastoral position at a church where you felt called and equipped to lead. It felt great, that is, until the fourth board meeting when Elder John expressed his disdain for the changes you were making in the worship service, which was followed by a two-hour discussion that completely deflated your balloon.  There it is again, success.

Success is always a package deal that includes challenges you did not expect. You have been lonely since your child went to college, but you feel that way because you raised your offspring successfully. The more you invest in something, the harder it is to transition to something else, but, as they say, nothing lasts forever. The trick is not allowing the new challenges to rob you of the fulfillment you sense from reaching your goals.

But how? Here are some thoughts in no particular order.

·      Success seems like a destination, but it is a journey. If you were successful with one project, it will always be followed by another. That does not mean that you cannot stop to celebrate your new milestone. If you are uneasy about what you’ve achieved, force yourself to plan a celebration before the reality of your recent accomplishment sets in. It is foolish to settle into the new challenges afforded you without first giving thanks that you made it to that point in the first place.

·      Remember the people who got you there. Nobody gets anywhere alone, and one is wise to appreciate and thank often, especially when you have just reached a goal.

·      Don’t let success go to your head. The most colossal failures usually happen at some point after significant achievement. Enjoy your triumph, but don’t make more of it than is warranted.

·      Give thanks to the One who gets you anywhere in life – Your Creator.

·      Share your success with others. Success is a team sport and should be celebrated accordingly. Our fulfillment is multiplied when we share our good fortune with the team.

Finally, when standing on your mountaintop, remember you were loved, accepted, and valued long before reaching the top. God is pleased when we triumph, but He does not love us any more than He did when we were in the valley, and we likely learned more down there than we will on top. It is wisely stated: They grow crops in the valleys, not on the. Mountaintops.

Live Inspired!

Don Mark

P.S. We have reached 70% of our goal of $35,000 to support five new Gail’s Girls! Thanks to all who have given generously to support these young women. If you would still like to make a donation, you can do so at



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