Satan Never Forgets A Strategy

God never forgets a prayer, and Satan never forgets a good strategy.

Earlier this week, I wrote about the powerful and motivating truth that God never forgets our prayers. He is always working—often for many years—to shape-wise and perfect answers to our requests. But what about the other side of the story? What does our arch-enemy, Satan, know and remember about us?

Comparing the power of God with that of Satan is like comparing a nuclear bomb to a firecracker. A bomb can instantly annihilate you, but a firecracker may take off a finger at best. Having said that, I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of an out-of-patience God or a pesky but hurtful and dangerous Ruler of this World Fallen Angel (Satan).

Fortunately for us, the Almighty (There is good reason we call Him that.) is infinitely patient. But if Lucifer (Satan) has redeeming qualities, they are patience and perseverance. He is willing to wait for the right moment to perform his evil schemes and will fight you until your last breath. He does not give up easily. This makes the Evil One a formidable foe.

Last week, I finished a helpful book titled Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt. Jeff discusses how Jesus’ followers should center their intentions and actions around the Gospel, as summarized in the purpose and work of our Leader, Jesus. He refers to this practice as Gospel Fluency. However, with so many demands, needs, and desires vying for our daily attention, it’s easy for these concerns to push “daily Jesus” out of the forefront of our minds.

Earlier this week, I woke up in the middle of the night (always a good sign, eh?) and experienced the revelation that, in some areas, I had allowed some Gospel Fluency to leak from my daily life. It still baffles me why the Holy Spirit seems to get a kick out of waiting until 3:00 am to make His point. I know this never happens to you, but for me, it occurs more than I’d like to admit. But Jesus still loves me, so I’ve got that going for me.

As I lay there staring at the dark ceiling, I wondered how I had driven myself into this mudhole again—the same old story.

But first, Jesus wanted to solve my conundrum quickly by reminding me of a well-worn Scripture verse upon which I often reflect. “Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author, and Perfecter of our faith, who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning its shame. God raised Him to the heavens and seated Him at His right hand. Think of Him who endured all this nonsense at the hands of humans so that you don’t grow weary and give up.” (That was my 3:00 am personalized version of Hebrews 12:2,3).

“Get back to your Gospel Fluency, Don.” He uses short sentences with me. It’s what I understand most.

A question came to mind as I lay there contemplating my state and solution. “Lord, why do I do this stuff? Why do I return to the same old stuff again and again?” I am reminded of the gross Proverb, “A dog returns to its own vomit.” My Master’s answer was swift and again to the point. “Your adversary is like a roaring lion, prowling around looking for someone to devour. He is powerful, wiley, ruthless, and he never forgets a good strategy that works on you.”  (Based on 1 Peter 5:8)

Satan never forgets a good strategy. He knows what has worked to separate you from your Maker before, and he’s had several millennia to practice upon billions of people just like you.

Satan cannot read our minds, but he doesn’t need to. He keenly observes our behavior, which is similar to that of millions of others. Practice makes perfect, and Lucifer (the Angel of Light), who specializes in deceit through lies, has had ample opportunity to practice.

Satan is like a good car salesperson. He watches from inside the showroom as you browse the lot, noting what kind of car you’re interested in. Maybe, since you have three kids in tow, it’s one of those versatile SUVs, or perhaps you’re looking for something a bit nicer, like a luxury Caddy, or maybe you’re forty, and that bright red Camaro is catching your eye. Oh, he watches, he watches. And he knows what has worked before.

The master strategist observes the defense like a Player of the Year quarterback. He scans the line, the safeties, and the backs, already knowing how he plans to dismantle your defense. The ball is snapped, the line pushes right, he rolls left, and has just enough time to throw down the middle to his favorite receiver for another first down. Your defense is left wondering: how does he do that?

Satan never forgets a good strategy.

But fortunately for us, we have Coach Jesus standing on the sidelines. He has seen them run this play successfully before and knows exactly what adjustments to make. There will be other plays for sure, but not that one. It will not work again for a long time. You know your job is to keep looking and listening to the Coach and follow His instructions to a tee. He sees things you cannot see and knows things you don’t know.

So, the Teacher once again reminded me of the fundamentals. “Hamilton, your job is to keep your eyes on me, follow My strategy, and execute. And when you mess up, we will immediately get back to training, and you will play another day.” I can see Him putting His two fingers up to His eyes while looking straight at me and then pointing those two fingers to my eyes, looking straight at Him. Back and forth, He swings his hand, eyes to eyes, mind’s locked.

Secondly, he states, “Don’t ever forget that your adversary is powerful, persistent, and has a good memory. He hates you, and he will never relent. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t get distracted.” He continues, “But you will inevitably get distracted, and when you do, we will have a little meet and greet and get you back on track. That’s all for now. Go back to sleep.”

“And, by the way, I remember every one of those prayers you and others prayed for you, and I have a plan.”

Live Inspired!

Don Mark














Blowing In The Wind


God Never Forgets A Prayer