Bring on 2022! you got this.

So, 2021 is drawing to a close. How’s this year been for you?

For some, your immediate response is something like, “2021 sucked! I lost my job. I lost my mother. My kids left home. I got a bad case of COVID.”  For others, life has been routine. You are thinking, “Well, it could have been a lot worse. The pandemic did not make a mess of my life, my family is stable, and I am financially sound.”  For a rare few, the dying year was outstanding. You made some personal breakthroughs, or your marriage weathered a tough season, or the stock market treated you well. Most of us are somewhere in between.

I venture to predict 2022 will closely resemble 2021. Our lives will be a patchwork of good, bad, and everything in between. Here are a few suggestions for a new season and opportunity.

Slow down a bit.  

I am reminded of my many years of running and jogging. I always enjoyed hitting the road or path and seeing how hard I could push myself. Jogging, or now walking for me, allows you to see life in slow motion. It is the slowest way to travel, which can be rewarding. When you are on foot, you see the world differently and, in more detail, than any other means of getting from point A to point B. Scenes that generally pass your notice become prominent while on foot.

It is difficult to manage life in the fast lane, and one passes by many beautiful sites while traveling at breakneck speeds. The old saying is wise. Take time to smell the roses.

Pick ONE thing you want to grow.

The power of one substantial change is immense. Setting a dozen goals is a recipe for disappointment. Make one improvement that will domino into numerous benefits. For instance, studies reveal that people who take a few minutes for prayer and thoughtfulness first thing in the morning enjoy the coming day more than those who do not. That one simple act can improve many areas of your life.

Cultivate Thankfulness.

A thankful person is a happy person, and gratitude will serve you well through whatever 2022 throws at you. Thankfulness also keeps one from harboring an entitlement mentality and bitterness. Start and end each day thinking through a “thankful” list.

For me, in this season of life, slowing down is easy and already accomplished. As a matter of fact, on some days, if I slow any more, I won’t be moving at all! My one thing is actually two. I plan to complete the two books I’ve been writing in 2021. My thankful list is long and varied. God continues to bless my life beyond my imagination.

Well, I’m headed to one of my favorite spots to ring in the new year – Fells Point in Baltimore. There will be music and dancing with friends and family and a toast to the goodness of 2021 and the opportunities awaiting in 2022.

I pray you and your family enjoy the close of the holiday season. Thank you for sharing your journey with me through Don’t forget to visit the Live Inspired store, where you can just click “shop” on the top banner of my homepage.

Happy New Year!

Live Inspired!

Don Mark











be the hero of your own story


the gift that keeps on giving. a wish from don mark to you